Sneak peak at the TLC Febreary 07 launch

Here is the teaser just released today for the new Runway paper product line by TLC

Summer album in LifeTimez

Here is one of my LifeTimez album in progress. The pictures are from our summer trip to Portand, Oregon. Elisa loved the Children's Musem.

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Photobook service is up!

The photobook service is up and running just in time for your family albums to be printed, bound and shipped to family and friends worldwide this winter.

Photobooks are fun and easy to make! LifeTimez Photobook services provide you with exciting capabilities. You design it, pick the size and we produce it -- with all the fun and none of the hassle. Your LifeTimez Photobook is produced with the attention to detail and lasting durability of a treasured keepsake. All materials are archival-quality to ensure years of enjoyment -- using state-of-the-art, full-color, digital printing on acid-free paper. LifeTimez Photobooks are all professionally bound to exacting specifications of the Library Binding Institute. Hardbound are side-sewn while Softbound are bound with double-fan adhesive.

So let's get scrappin and binding!

LifeTImez Digital Downloads

LifeTimez Downloads are here! I love LifeTimez and there are new kits avalible for download now. This kits will work with LifeTimez and Memory Mixer digital scrapbooking programs or Photo Shop and PSE for you designing pros. Please email me at for information.

Here are my favories.

Bad Blogger

So I know very few people if any read my blog but I still think I need to blog more. I am going to look at ideas this weekend of what to blog and how to get a blogging schedule. I'm thinking having a theme for Monday, Wed. and Friday would be good.

Any ideas?


Well this is my first tag. I was reading a TLC friend's blog

Probably too much information...but I've been tagged! So now if your reading this...TAG...your it!

1. Who was your first prom date?
Fred at the Senior Ball in Logan, UT. Didn't go to my prom for my school in California

2. Who was your first roommate?
April from Utah, Amy from Alaska and Thung from Vietnam in Logan, UT across the street from Utah State

3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time?
Jake Daniels and wine coolers. First and only time, I hate the taste of alcohol.

4. What was your first job?
Baby sitting was my first paying job but Long John Silver's was my first W-2

5. What was your first car?
Red 1960's Chevy pickup truck that my dad and I rewired for my senior project for high school.

6. When did you go to your first funeral?
I might have gone to some as a small child but I think my grandfather's when I was 8 was the first.

7. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? 2 months before I turned 18 to go to college a few weeks after graduation.

8. Who was your first grade teacher? I have no idea, but I know my mom has it in a scrapbook at her house.

9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
To Georgia on a 4-H exchange trip. I turned 16 on the trip.

10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? I never snuck out of the house

11. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them? Clarisa when I was 5. Nope we moved

12. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house? Logan, UT

13. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? Efrain or Mom

14. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen? Was suppose to be in 2 weddings but one got cancelled and the other was out of state when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant.

15. What is the first thing you do in the morning? Snuggle with Elisa. First thing out of bed is try to have Elisa go to the bathroom since we are potty training her.

16. What was the first concert you ever went to?
Lots of county fair concerts growing up but first real one was ZZ Top in Jr High or high school was my Dad and sister.

17. First tattoo or piercing?
Ears pierced in high school and multiple times after that since the second I take out the ear rings the holes close up. Have left the holes closed since I was pregnant.

18. First celebrity crush?
Christian Slater

19. Age of first kiss? 14 or 15

20. First love?
First real love: my husband. All other "love" was very juvenile and high schooly

21. Are you still in love with your first love? Yes

ok now you know all the sordid details about me.. tag you're it!

August Newsletter

Check out the August newsletter.

Problems with photos

Ok I guess blogger is mad at me for not posting regularly because the photos are not showing in the last post. Let me try again later

Round Up

I have been meaning to start doing Katie's Round Up since I found her site but have to admit this will be my first attempt. I think it will be really fun to look back on these at the end of the year. Why not start a round up this month too?


What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
Scrapbook Answers is my secular magazine of choice

What the Bible Really Teaches
Our current Book Study book

Shameless Shortcuts: 1,027 Tips and Techniques from Yankee Magazine
A fun tip book I am using for cleaning and yard ideas

More Build It Big
Book I got at TLC convention from the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance. Need to get the workbook that goes with it but so far just working of the tasks in each chapter is great

Schools of Fish: Welcome back to the Reason You Became an Educator
Went to a great bookstore in Portland and got some goodies for my daughter and this book. Has given me some great ideas on how to have more productive and fun school year

What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
Second Hand Lions on DVD and on TV. This is the best movie ever, love the story and ending.

Knights of the South Bronx. Rewatched this Ted Danson movie from 2005. This is a great movie about a substitute teacher that teaches inner city kids chess.

We are big USA network fans at my house so Monk, The Dead Zone and Psych are must see

Treasure Hunters on NBC has been a fun watch and their online game is also fun

With Elisa we now have gone through almost all 10 years worth of Blue’s Clues but is it still her favorite. Close second is Backyardigans and 64 Zoo Lane. Dora and Diego have become more of a once a week request which is great because they were beginning to take on Barney status for me

What special days did I celebrate and how?
Just happy with everyday life this month

What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
I still get migraines but my mom found these great sticky things at the 98 cent store that help a lot

Elisa has been scrapping her knees more as she is outside and running around more

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
Got a small pool for Elisa to play in

Went to Friday at the 3 day District Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I had missed Friday of our scheduled convention because it was the last working day of the school year in June.

Went to Portland, Oregon with Elisa, my parents and sister. We visited my grandparents, aunt and uncle on my dad’s side. Here is the grandparents, parents, sister, Elisa and I

What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
Mehran: A great Indian/ Pakistani food place in Pittsburg, CA

Black Rabbit in Troutville, OR If you are ever in OR go try one of these McMenamin places. They are all restored buildings with these great murals. Here is my family at the booth and Elisa enjoying her frys

Green Leaf in Ashland, OR. Great food and a great price. Elisa had fun coloring while we waited. Also look at the size of the kid’s plate

What special or unusual purchases did I make?
Elisa’s first batch of Pull Ups to get her ready for potty training

What were this month’s disappointments?
Was hoping to have more parties and recruits with TLC but with all the new things for August I hope that will change

What were my accomplishments this month?
Getting better at keeping the house clean
Did my first customer and team newsletter for TLC
Spent a lot of time playing with Elisa
( I view that as an accomplishment because we get soo busy with life we forget to enjoy it)

Got my crop room finished and ready for crops and parties

Anything else noteworthy to record?
Nothing is springing to mind

I Won!

So if you, or anyone for that matter has read this blog from the beginning you know I am so excited for the documentory Scrapped! which premears tonight. Well my blog reading finally paid off because I won a challenge on Wes' site! I get an autographed DVD of the movie! YEA!!! I can't wait to watch it and show it to my family and friends that don't scrap. Here is the poster to give you an idea of the feel of this movie.
Leave it to Angie Pedersen to get me hooked on another great blog.

She posted this link today

Love the latest Effer Dare:

everybody's got one (at least!)...
that phrase you say all the time...
that phrase that's SO YOU.
What's your catch phrase??
Focus on the vernacular, that makes you "you".

This is my favorite

As a California girl I have to admit I say "Like" like a ton. Here's some other Melissa'isms

* Seriously
*That's superduper

* Wawa instead of water
*Blu Cues instead of Blue's Clues
* Hurry, Gama's house
* Go Park? when she wants to go to the park
* I pu pu
*MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA when she wants anything

July Newsletter

Here is my newsletter in a smaller form

The original form can be seen at

After much searching and many attempts, I have finally completed my first newsletter. I hope you find this newsletter fun to read and pretty to look at. I really had fun creating this with TLC's new Hot Fudge line and ideas from all over the scrapbooking world.

The wonderful design and layout comes from Heidi Swapp. Please support her by signing up for her newsletter here,

Enjoy and let me know what you think : )

Melissa O.

July 2006

The Scrapbunny Crop Room

A work in progress

Introducing the best thing in digital memories since the digital camera!

Are you ready to make your memories last a LifeTimez?


Happiness of the Day

I love the What's Your Happiness Today on Ali Edwards' blog

Not only is it great to remember our blessings each day but it makes for quick scrapbook journally

So here's my Saturday Happiness List

· Daughter’s laugh – At 28 months old my daughter is a giggly girl.. We knew she would be from birth ( the first breath she took was to laugh, the nurse had to make her cry a few minutes later to clear her lungs) Today she just though playing with the hose as it filled her kiddie pool was the funniest thing

· Running water – Playing with the hose, drinking cool water with fresh ice, not everyone in the world or even in this town has these things. My daughter and I had so much fun practicing our swimming in her new pool.

· Family – Getting ready to visit my father’s side of the family in Oregon this week. As I started packing today I thought about how fun it is going to be to go on this trip with my parents and sister, crowded but fun

· The Kingdom – Visited the site for the new Kingdom Hall here in town. It is going to be so nice to be able to meet as a congregation in town. Our current hall is a 10-15 minute drive to the town of Bay Point. Everyone is working on clearing the land and building the fencing.



Some fun pets my daughter and I played with today. Click on the more box to play

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!
Here is the music I have been scrapping to

Forgot what Katie the Scrapbook Lady's blog taught me about smilies

Let's change : )

Ok now I have to do smaller posts because the newsletter and slide show pushed my side bar to the bottom. One would think I am new at this blogging thing : ) Well I hope someone finds my ramblings interesting : )

Ohhh Just had a thought with that second smile face BRB
I FINALLY finished the first Scrapbunny newsletter! I even figured out how to post it here : )

Now to get it emailed to everyone, not that I have that many people signed up for my newsletter yet.
Finished playing with the templates and post my links added. Check out my sites, recommended sites and of course all the bogs that I read
OK I am going to try to fix this blog up and get things posted.
Here is my first cool toy of the day. I had tried the smaller badges but that type of code is not accepted. Hopefully this doesn't look too big : )

Welcome to my blog! I set this blog up so that I could post comments to the blog for the upcoming movie Scrapped.

There is an increase of scrapbookers blogging so I thought I would test drive a few free blogs in the hopes of finding one that would help me journal more and stay in touch with the daily events that make up my life. So far I am not doing well with the posting in a timely manner but I am working on it.

Visit my main home on the net at I am off to go update a tom of stuff there today since my hubby has taken our daughter to visit his mom so I have the house and computer to myself : )

Happy scraping!