I got a blog award!

I am so humble to get a blog award from my buddy Debi at http://just4teachers.blogspot.com/ , especially when I have been such a bad blogger lately. Thanks so much Debi for making my month and sharing so much on your blogs :)

Here are the rules of the award:

*Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
*Share 7 things about yourself.
*Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs.

Ok, so 7 things about me
1. I am now teaching kindergarten! It has been an interesting 16 days of school so far and I'm glad I was at least switched the day before school started :)

2. I love using technology with kids and was the technology teacher at Highlands Elementary for 7 years. 

3.  I have 3 blogs, am in charge of our school website and oversee a daily CAFE yahoo group.  My classroom blog is a work in process as I switch from my first grade blog, http://ortunosocean.edublogs.org/ to my kinder blog http://mrsortunosocean.blogspot.com/
My 3rd blog is my WholeBrainTeaching blog, http://scrapbunnywbt.blogspot.com/ and my school website is http://www.pittsburg.k12.ca.us/stoneman/

4. I love scrapbooking but have very little time for it so LOVE My Memories Suite because it is so fast to make a book.

5.  I don't like to shop for clothes or groceries but love to garage sale 

6.  I repeated second grade, was home schooled in 4th and skipped 8th grade.

7.  I live in the same town I teach in and my daughter goes to my school.

Now the hard part picking 15 blogs to pass the award onto. I am going to stick with the RECENTLY discovered part and share some of my favorite kinder, daily 5, and whole brain teacher blogs

WOOHOO Free teacher stuff

Kreative in Kinder is offering a free unit! She already is a fav kinder blog of mine and have GREAT stuff!
 All you need to do is follow some quick easy steps and you get to choose one free unit! WooHoo because I don't get paid until the end of the month and need all the free I can get.