I am so humble to get a blog award from my buddy Debi at http://just4teachers.blogspot.com/ , especially when I have been such a bad blogger lately. Thanks so much Debi for making my month and sharing so much on your blogs :)
2. I love using technology with kids and was the technology teacher at Highlands Elementary for 7 years.
3. I have 3 blogs, am in charge of our school website and oversee a daily CAFE yahoo group. My classroom blog is a work in process as I switch from my first grade blog, http://ortunosocean.edublogs.org/ to my kinder blog http://mrsortunosocean.blogspot.com/.
Here are the rules of the award:
*Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
*Share 7 things about yourself.
*Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs.
Ok, so 7 things about me
1. I am now teaching kindergarten! It has been an interesting 16 days of school so far and I'm glad I was at least switched the day before school started :)
3. I have 3 blogs, am in charge of our school website and oversee a daily CAFE yahoo group. My classroom blog is a work in process as I switch from my first grade blog, http://ortunosocean.edublogs.org/ to my kinder blog http://mrsortunosocean.blogspot.com/.
My 3rd blog is my WholeBrainTeaching blog, http://scrapbunnywbt.blogspot.com/ and my school website is http://www.pittsburg.k12.ca.us/stoneman/
The yahoo group is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/The_Daily_Five/
4. I love scrapbooking but have very little time for it so LOVE My Memories Suite because it is so fast to make a book.
5. I don't like to shop for clothes or groceries but love to garage sale
6. I repeated second grade, was home schooled in 4th and skipped 8th grade.
7. I live in the same town I teach in and my daughter goes to my school.
Now the hard part picking 15 blogs to pass the award onto. I am going to stick with the RECENTLY discovered part and share some of my favorite kinder, daily 5, and whole brain teacher blogs