Round Up

I have been meaning to start doing Katie's Round Up since I found her site but have to admit this will be my first attempt. I think it will be really fun to look back on these at the end of the year. Why not start a round up this month too?


What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
Scrapbook Answers is my secular magazine of choice

What the Bible Really Teaches
Our current Book Study book

Shameless Shortcuts: 1,027 Tips and Techniques from Yankee Magazine
A fun tip book I am using for cleaning and yard ideas

More Build It Big
Book I got at TLC convention from the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance. Need to get the workbook that goes with it but so far just working of the tasks in each chapter is great

Schools of Fish: Welcome back to the Reason You Became an Educator
Went to a great bookstore in Portland and got some goodies for my daughter and this book. Has given me some great ideas on how to have more productive and fun school year

What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
Second Hand Lions on DVD and on TV. This is the best movie ever, love the story and ending.

Knights of the South Bronx. Rewatched this Ted Danson movie from 2005. This is a great movie about a substitute teacher that teaches inner city kids chess.

We are big USA network fans at my house so Monk, The Dead Zone and Psych are must see

Treasure Hunters on NBC has been a fun watch and their online game is also fun

With Elisa we now have gone through almost all 10 years worth of Blue’s Clues but is it still her favorite. Close second is Backyardigans and 64 Zoo Lane. Dora and Diego have become more of a once a week request which is great because they were beginning to take on Barney status for me

What special days did I celebrate and how?
Just happy with everyday life this month

What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
I still get migraines but my mom found these great sticky things at the 98 cent store that help a lot

Elisa has been scrapping her knees more as she is outside and running around more

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
Got a small pool for Elisa to play in

Went to Friday at the 3 day District Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I had missed Friday of our scheduled convention because it was the last working day of the school year in June.

Went to Portland, Oregon with Elisa, my parents and sister. We visited my grandparents, aunt and uncle on my dad’s side. Here is the grandparents, parents, sister, Elisa and I

What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
Mehran: A great Indian/ Pakistani food place in Pittsburg, CA

Black Rabbit in Troutville, OR If you are ever in OR go try one of these McMenamin places. They are all restored buildings with these great murals. Here is my family at the booth and Elisa enjoying her frys

Green Leaf in Ashland, OR. Great food and a great price. Elisa had fun coloring while we waited. Also look at the size of the kid’s plate

What special or unusual purchases did I make?
Elisa’s first batch of Pull Ups to get her ready for potty training

What were this month’s disappointments?
Was hoping to have more parties and recruits with TLC but with all the new things for August I hope that will change

What were my accomplishments this month?
Getting better at keeping the house clean
Did my first customer and team newsletter for TLC
Spent a lot of time playing with Elisa
( I view that as an accomplishment because we get soo busy with life we forget to enjoy it)

Got my crop room finished and ready for crops and parties

Anything else noteworthy to record?
Nothing is springing to mind


Katie Nelson said...

Great job on your roundup! My husband also loves to watch Psyche :)

Unknown said...

My first comment! Thanks Katie!