Moving to a new online home

It is hard to believe I have been blogging for 6 years but not hard to believe that a lot has changed in those 6 years. I am still a teacher but now have only one class instead of the 25 plus I had as a technology teacher. I still love to scrapbook, especially digitally but now use my scrapbooking skills mostly to create items for my classroom and no long rep for a scrapbooking company. I am still married to my wonderful husband but we know have 3 beautiful children and can keep up with friends and family on Facebook instead of sharing pictures and stories on blogger. So for many reasons I no longer fit my scrapbunny blog. I now hope to blog mostly for the early childhood crowd, especially the many teachers like me that will be starting a new teaching adventure, Transitional Kindergarten. I'm excited to start this journey and hope you will all hop over to my new blog Transitional Kinder with Mrs. O. This week I'll be sharing many freebies I have made for my classroom and my colleges in kinder and first. Some I have shared before and some are new so I hope you all follow me at my new blog and on facebook at

Playing with templates

I'm playing with new templates trying to find a new look :)
Might just use the same one I found for my WBT blog.

Everything is Coming Up Rainbows

So 8 school days left and I should be working on report cards but I have been inspired to create things for next year instead :) One of my FAV kinder blogs Live, Love, Laugh Everyday in Kindergarten has been sharing many wonderful freebies and tips over the last several days as she does Extreme Makeover-Classroom Edition. Be sure to hop over and follow her blog and TpT store. Her files are awesome and so cute! She made the cutest polka dot name tags here. I have decided to do a rainbow theme for my classroom so using Tammy's great file as inspiration I opened up My Memory Suite and finally used some 6 yr old digi scrapbooking paper to create these name tags. I made them 4 colors on a page with an extra blue and then 4 of each Rainbow color on a page.

Click here to download a copy of these Rainbow Tags if you would like :)