Saturday Special 4/21

~The End~
1. What's your favorite type of ending to a movie/play?:
A happy ending that leaves a few loose ends so you can think where the story might go next

2. What's your favorite type of ending to a book/novel?:
Happy with all the problems solved

3. What would be your favorite ending to your life story?:
Peaceful after a full life

4. What would be your favorite sentence ending to these ridiculous questions?:
They all blogged happily ever after.

Friday Feast 4/20

Appetizer: What is your favorite kind of bread?
Buttermilk bread

Soup: When was the last time you bought a new pillow?
Over 3 years ago for my daughter

Salad: Approximately how many hours per week do you spend surfing the ‘net?
Just surfing with no purpose very few but I am online about 8 hours a day

Main Course: What’s the highest you remember your temperature being?

Dessert Fill in the blanks: When I ____________, I _____________.
When I drive, I never use cruise control.

What's Your Happiness Wedsday #4

Limited Edition Hybrid Business Builder Kit!

Wow... a $350 value, just $90 for a limited time! Paper plus Digital provides the best of both worlds and by far our best value! This kit gives you a host of our latest papercraft goodies along with LifeTimez software -- our dynamic digital scrapbooking software.

Hybrid Business Builder Kit includes:

1 - TLC Shoulder Bag
2 - Runway Circles Kits
2 - Runway Shapes Kits
2 - Memory Gems
2 - Monograms Outerwear Stickers
1 - Monograms Chips
2 - Runway Chips
1 - Icicle Slide
2 - Runway Ribbons
3 - Hot Fudge Kits
1 - Cardz
1 - quikWORDS for Cards (Rub-ons)
1 - quikLETTERS
1 - quikCHIPS
1 - Good Deal Coupon for Papercraft Purchases -- 40% savings off an entire order* in your first 60 days (non transferable, not applicable to LifeTimez products and services)

Digital Scrapbooking
1 - LifeTimez Software
1 - LifeTimez 8x8, Hardbound, 26-page Photobook [Print Services coupon]
1 - 26-Page "Our Family" Theme Design -- LifeTimez QuickPage Album
1 - 26-Page "ABC" Theme Design -- LifeTimez QuickPage Album
1 - 14-Page 2007 Calendar Design -- LifeTimez QuickPage Calendar

Business Aides
1 - QuickStart CD - including Policies and Procedures
1 - LifeTimez "Bring Memories to Life" DVD
1 - TLC "Product Preview" DVD
3 - 2007 Spring Catalogs
3 - Price Lists
3 - Consultant Applications
3 - Customer Order Forms
3 - Postcards
3 - Bic Pens (with TLC Logo)
3 - Marketing Brochures

Saturday Special 4/14

~Statistically Speaking~
1. Does solitude help or hinder your creative pursuits?:
I can get more done in solitude but I have more fun working with others

2. What relative do you most resemble in personality?:
My dad says that I have his temperament and my mother's drive but I talk more than anyone else in the family : )

3. List one good thing about being you:
My family

4. What's the first thing you think about in the morning to get you going?:
I try not to think until I have been awake a few hours : )

Friday Feast 4/13

Appetizer: When you were a child, which crayon color was your favorite?
I don't remember ever having a favorite color but my favorite thing to do with crayons was to make pictures by melting the crayons on wax paper that was on a hot plate.

Soup: On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), how likely would you be to change jobs if it required you to move? 7 or 8 depending on the place

Salad: Take all the numbers in your birthday and your phone number and add them up, one by one. What’s the total? 87 with my cell and 96 with my home number

Main Course:
Have you ever “re-gifted” anything? If so, what was it and who did you pass it on to?
I know I have but I can't think of what or to who. Most of the time now you can return things so it has been a long time. I always save and reuse gift bags : )

Dessert: Name something you need from the store.
Really need to get a new pair of jeans and some shoes.

Thursday Thirteen Issue #3

Thirteen Places I Have Lived
  1. Sacramento, California : Birth to kindergarten
  2. Woodland, California : 1st through 3rd grade
  3. Rio Vista, California : 6 months
  4. Woodbridge, California: until I finished high school
  5. Studio apartment in Logan, Utah: 1st year of college
  6. 3 bedroom apartment in Logan, Utah: 1st year of college
  7. Dorm at Fresno State in Fresno, CA: 2nd year of college
  8. Rented a room in Clovis, CA: 1st half of 3rd year
  9. 3 bedroom apartment in Fresno: 2nd half of 3rd year
  10. 2 bedroom apartment in Fresno: credential year
  11. Rio Vista, CA : another 6 months
  12. 1 bedroom and then 2 bedroom in Pittsburg, CA: 1st 2 years in teaching
  13. Current house in Pittsburg, CA: over 3 years

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (Write your own Thursday Thirteen and leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

What's Your Happiness Wedsday #3

Short and sweet list today

1. I'm on Spring Break
2. Wonderful weather
3. Tax refund came tonight
4. Found lots of clearance items at Staples
5. Sleeping in
6. Lots of funny moments

Saturday Special

Found a Saturday meme ( I was using theme but really it is meme) from one of the Thursday Thirteen blogs.

Saturday Special

This week
~Favorite Senses~
1. Favorite Smell: Husband's cooking
2. Favorite Flower: Sterling Silver roses, from the movie Bed of Roses. Used them in my wedding
3. Favorite Color: Don't have one but I love natural colors
4. Favorite Sound: My daughter's laugh

Friday Feast

Another fun post theme from Katie the Scrapbook Lady, Friday Feast

Appetizer: When you travel, which mode of transportation do you prefer?
I enjoy flying but would love the BART to be more like the METRO system for local trips

Soup: Have you ever met a blogging friend in person?
Yes if you count TLC people and friends that I know keep in touch with online

Salad: When was the last time you were really, really tired?
A few weeks ago. Elisa's sleep schedule was really messed up with the daylight savings time

Main Course: If you could have dinner with any one fictional character from a book or movie, who would it be?
The main character in Reta May Brown's Mrs. Murphy books, Harry
From a movie I would say Picard from Star Trek Next Generation

Dessert: Fill in the blank: One day, I hope to see _______________.
this world as it was planned, a paradise.


Studio Friday

Found this great group and decided to switch my Friday theme.

This week's topic for Friday April 6th: Sin #2: GREED!
This is an ugly one as well....uuuuh! What is it you are greedy about or feel greedy about? Is it material or is it a behavior? Are you greedy for emotions? Do you hoard? How do you want to change for the better? It can be small steps or do you rather take a big step to change?

I am greedy for time, never seem to have enough. On the material side we have little "fun" money but do love to eat out. Have to work on a layout for this and post it.

Thursday Thirteen Issue #2

Thirteen Favorite Tech Toys
  1. Light laptops, remember when they were other 10 lbs?
  2. Treo phone. I have everything on it, even the Bible, music and photos
  3. Wireless Internet. Can't beat email in bed : )
  4. External hard drives. These are getting so small and hold so much. Just remember to back them up too : )
  5. Digital SLR Camera. I haven't been able to buy many lenses but love that I can put lenses on my HP digital camera. Also love the digital flash, so cool
  6. Craft Robo. Man I love this thing! Get more info here
  7. HP printers. Love my all in one photo printer and hope to get a large format one day
  8. DVD/CD burners and players. Music and movies burned and played at home, love this.
  9. TiVo. Watch too much TV now but man I love pausing and being able to fast forward commercials
  10. Color TV. I don't need a big, HD or flat screen, just a normal size color TV
  11. Microwave. Technology at it's best, popcorn in 2 minutes : )
  12. Washer and Dryer. Stories of my grandma scrubbing clothes on a washboard make me love my washer and dryer every load : )
  13. Refrigerator. We forget about this wonder of technology but it is still an amazing, maybe the best technology

    Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
    1. (Write your own Thursday Thirteen and leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

What's Your Happiness Wedsday #2

Crazy week befor Spring Break but a good week of happiness'

  • Elisa went potty by herself many times this week
  • Short work week of 4 days
  • Co worker gave be a bunch of beautiful iris plants. They are cuttings from her grandparents, over 100 years old! So cool
  • New episode of Jack's Big Music Show . Always makes us happy
  • Got taxes done and we are getting a nice refund, so happy : )
  • Biggest blessing of the week was celebrating the greatest gift, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us all. We celebrate based on the Jewish calendar so services were on Monday this year. We had a wonderful talk and went out to Olive Garden with a large group after. If you would like to find out more about my faith you can click here.

May you all have a blessed and happy week.

March Roundup

Going strong with my Katie the Scrapbook Lady's Roundup , 3 months in a row!

What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
Still working on the Rita Mae and Sneaky Pie Brown's Miss Murphy books.

What movies and/or T.V. shows did I watch this month?
So much TV that I will have to just list by category
With Elisa:
Live T.V. - Noggin is on all the time at our house with Sprout being the nighttime T.V. fav
TiVo - Cut this down a little this month
Blue's Clues is still the favorite followed by Jack's Big Music Show; Backyardigans; The Wiggles
New favorite music video is Dan Zane and Friends

With Efrain:

TiVo - Grey's Anatomy; Ugly Betty; Prison Break
Online-Not too much online this month

No movies this month

What special days did I celebrate and how?
Elisa turned 3 so Mom was able to give her those Only for 3 and up toys : )

Had our 2 day Circuit Assembly in Fairfield Elisa did pretty good this year listening.

Pittsburg Kingdom Hall Dedication was a great weekend this month with 3 wonderful talks from a Brooklyn brother. Elisa was featured in the slide show of the Kingdom Hall build.

What gifts did I give and/or receive?
Gave 4 baby scrapbook kits for co workers
Mom gave me some Princess House to match what I got last month.

What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
Still dealing with headaches and every one's sleep schedules are off with the time change.

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
Besides Assembly and the Hall dedication we got sand for Elisa's turtle sand box and have been playing outside.

What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
Went out to eat at Chevy's after Assembly and we hadn't been there in years

What special or unusual purchases did I make?
Ordered my Runway 2 Samplers from TLC
Paid for my website for the year

What were this month's disappointments?
Lots of computer problems at work but we do have a new server so things will be better for April.

What were my accomplishments this month?
Happy to be a tiny part of raising over $40,000 for Autism Speaks though donating and sharing about Ali Edward's Six Degrees badge
Getting on schedule with this blog

Anything else noteworthy to record?
Have to get taxes done still, this is the latest we have ever filed.

Photo Friday

Fridays will be a photo post. Had to work on taxes and other things that made me think about how long I have been married. Here are 2 of my favorites from that day.