KooKoo Bear goodies

Want a chance to win this personally monogrammed Funky Plaid lunch box? Check out one of my new mommy blog finds called Two moms in a blog for the details and to enter for a chance to win! The lunch box is from KooKoo Bear , a cute online boutique that has a ton of cute items and great kids' room ideas. My favorite room is this sit and play table. Click on the photo to see the rest of the designer rooms.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping by and checking out our contest:) Your blog is wonderful, I added it to my feed reader so I will be back:) Don't forget to check out our Scrap Designer Call out for a chance at some free scrapbooking stuff as well:)

Anonymous said...

Congrats:) We will be announcing you as your winner first thing this morning:) Please send me an email at dcakru@mts.net letting me know your mailing information and the initial you would like on the lunch bag so we can get the prize out to you.